Sunday morning we checked out of our hotel at 4:30AM. I don't think anyone got more than two hours sleep. Our cab driver picked us up at 4:45 and our TAM flight to Sao Paulo took off at around 6:45. We all slept on the plane even though it was a short ~45 min flight. Upon arrival in Sao Paulo we had an adventure because the plane let us off in the international terminal (the plane was continuing to New York). We had to explain to the immigration and customs agents why we hadn't filled out the proper entry forms ("because we flew here from Rio" … "but what are you doing in the international terminal?"). Our Brazilian friends were waiting for us and we had a little breakfast in the airport while waiting for the Rutgers engineering group to show up. Then it was a 3.5 hour bus trip to Sao Carlos. In the evening we went out for Brazilian pizza (a lot of cheese, no tomato sauce, and different vegetables and meats) and ended the day at a nice ice cream shop. Sorry, no pictures today.